Instead of measuring themselves against men, women should...


    Greetings! Thank you for this debate, this should be fun! In accepting this debate I do not pretend to stand for all of feminism seeing as there are many different sects of the movement. I also do not claim to know everything about feminism. I will use sources from the internet as well as books to support my argument. First, we must define Feminism. There are many different types of feminism. For example: Antiporn feminism, Cultural Feminism, Hip Hop feminism, Lesbian Feminism, Queer feminism, and Radical feminism. The feminism it seems you disagree with is the one that is prevalent in the Pink Hat movement. But my stance will be from the Antiporn and Cultural Feminist movements. These movements advocate the reality: Women are more nurturing, cooperative, and communicative. Instead of measuring themselves against men, women should make their own activities more visible and valued. Want to do away with the dehumanization of women in pornography You say that feminism has "gone too far," but before we can continue, give me more to chew on.

    • https://www.debate.org/debates/feminism/29/
  • PRO

    Feminism is the ACT of Advocating (though perhaps...


    Feminism Has NO gender. I am a Man And I am A Feminist. Feminism by definition stands up for all my perspectives, ambitions, desires and behaviours. Feminism is the ACT of Advocating (though perhaps passively in some circumstances) against Woman Abuse, and EVERYTHING which leads to women being slandered - Including False propaganda of Feminism by SLuts who enable womanizers and glorify perverts such as homosexuality. { It is not an act of feminism to defend a slut who enabled an adulterous man. That WOULD be counter productive. } I am Pro Feminism, that is why I accepted this debate. And Feminism has no gender, Nor Negative attributes.

    • https://www.debate.org/debates/Feminism./1/
  • PRO

    If Con cannot, then this debate must concede that...


    Con stated that that the Merriam-Webster dictionary is unreliable because it is biased. Con's reasoning for this was that the dictionary was made in "liberal" Massachusetts. Con has provided no evidence to support that it is made in Massachusetts, or how the location of the dictionary company proves that it is unreliable. Until Con proves this connection, my definition of Feminism still stands. Yet I will make it even more difficult for Con. Here are many more authoritative definitions of Feminism: Oxford Dictionary - "The advocacy of women's rights on the ground of equality of the sexes" [3] Cambridge Dictionary - "The belief that women should be allowed the same rights, power, and opportunities as men" [4] Macmillan Dictionary - "The belief that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men" [5] Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - "The belief that women should have the same rights and opportunities as men" [6] Collins English Dictionary - "A doctrine or movement that advocates equal rights for women" [7] Dictionary.com - "The doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men" [8] For Con to prove that the definition of Feminism is not about equality, Con must prove that each and every one of the dictionaries above is an unreliable source. If Con cannot, then this debate must concede that Feminism is about equality between men and women by definition. I suggest an alternative viewpoint: A) Feminism is about the equality between men and women, as defined in all the sources above. B) Anyone seeking to gain more than equality is not practicing Feminism (as per the definition) C) There are people who falsely use the Feminism banner to attempt to gain more than equality D) Those who falsely use the Feminism banner should be condemned E) True Feminism (gender equality) is an ideal and should be supported As I mentioned in Round 2, I support equality between men and women. Therefore, I am for Feminism. Con has stated that Con is an "equalist" and is "for the rights of men AND women". Therefore, like me, Con is for Feminism as defined in the dictionaries. 3. https://en.oxforddictionaries.com... 4. http://dictionary.cambridge.org... 5. http://www.macmillandictionary.com... 6. http://www.ldoceonline.com... 7. http://www.collinsdictionary.com... 8. http://www.dictionary.com...

    • https://www.debate.org/debates/Feminism/21/
  • PRO

    without giving any evidence to back the claim that words...


    Con has argued dictionaries do not authoritatively define words, but has given no proof of this. Con's presented only one argument in this entire debate "Since 'masculinism' is male supremacy, then feminism is female supremacy." without giving any evidence to back the claim that words with similar roots cannot have different meanings. Furthermore, Con didn't provide any source of definition for Masculinism, so Con's argument is not sound. --- I have offered six authoritative sources stating that Feminism is the movement for equality between men and women. I am for equality between men and women. I am for Feminism. According to Con, Con is an "equalist" and is "for the rights of men AND women". Therefore, Con is also for Feminism. The statement of debate is "Feminism". I have proven I am Pro. I have proven Con is not Con.

    • https://www.debate.org/debates/Feminism/21/
  • CON

    A controversial social media movement called Women...


    Do American women still need feminism? A controversial social media movement called Women Against Feminism features women explaining " mostly in "selfies" with handwritten signs " why they do not. Feminist responses have ranged from bafflement to vitriol or mockery to arguments that these women don"t know what feminism is. But while this new movement has its silly aspects, it raises some much-needed questions about feminism"s present and future state " and, in the weeks since it first attracted notice, many prominent feminists have helped validate some of the criticisms.

    • https://www.debate.org/debates/Feminism/12/
  • PRO

    Feminism is definitely something that there needs to be...


    Feminism is definitely something that there needs to be more of in the world. Feminists just want to have equal rights, not overpower men. People who say they are feminists but say women are better than men are not feminists. I believe that it is because of these people that so many people do not like feminism. Feminism is about equality, nothing else.

    • https://www.debate.org/debates/Feminism/12/
  • CON

    They are highly capable of taking care of themselves, but...


    Women don't need feminism. They are highly capable of taking care of themselves, but you know who does? Women who get splashed in the face with acid because they want education. Woman who are mistreated and not respected. Women do not need modern Feminism. They do want equality just as men, but feminism is more just than opportunities. It is about equality or more likely dominating men.

    • https://www.debate.org/debates/Feminism/12/
  • CON

    Feminism says they want the equality but the definition...


    Feminism says they want the equality but the definition of the Feminism doesn't say anything about promoting men's rights so it basically assumes men are not oppressed so it's unnecessary to promote the men's rights. but this is completely a myth because men are oppressed all the time from every single way. so modern Feminism is not about equality it's about Female Supremacy to suppress to dominant over men.

    • https://www.debate.org/debates/Feminism/12/
  • CON

    One might assume that Women Against Feminism is a...


    One might assume that Women Against Feminism is a traditionalist backlash against gender equality. Yet many of the women say they reject feminism precisely because they are pro-equality. A blogger who goes by AstrokidNJ has analyzed a week"s worth of posts on Women Against Feminism and found that 46 percent were egalitarian, 19 percent endorsed men"s issues, and 12 percent criticized feminist intolerance toward dissent. Only 23 percent reflected traditionalist views such as support for distinct sex roles, chivalry, or full-time motherhood.

    • https://www.debate.org/debates/Feminism/12/
  • PRO

    You claim that feminism encourages false rape accusations...


    You claim that feminism encourages false rape accusations and stereotyping men as bad. Um... No, that's not what feminism is at all. Feminism is the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men[1]". Now, you admit that this is something you are for, so I guess you have problems with how feminists go about this? Really, I think your entire argument stems from a complete misunderstanding of the movement. So, what is feminism? This is a difficult question because, much like religion, feminism is different for each feminist. The mission statement of the movement is equal rights between the sexes, which you agree is good. By this definition, you are a feminist. If you could indicate how you aren't a feminist, that'd be appreciated. Maybe you disagree that there is a systematic discrimination against women, the patriarchy. Is there a patriarchy? Well, as it commonly seems to be the case, I must define "the patriarchy". Basically, it means a system where men are valued over women[2]. This can be shown in the wage gap[3], rape culture[4] (though men can be victims of rape, rape culture usually targets women), and gender roles[5]. Rebuttals: What you are saying here is very dangerous. Stating that feminism promotes false rape accusations is an example of rape culture. 60% of victims report abuse, and 97% of abusers will not see jail[6]. Only 1.5-8% of rape reports are fake[7], so Puh-LEASE do not try and say that considerable amount of rape reports are fake and that we should cast doubt on those few that come forward. If we are going of the definition of feminism I stated earlier, then feminists aren't trying to put men as stereotypically bad. We are trying to make men and women equal. If you think that trying to remove the bias towards men is trying to say they are bad, then I am going to have to ask you go to timeout because that idea is downright childish. In the end there you say something about "calling the police about something ridiculous is obscure". I think you mean absurd, but if you didn't then I'm not sure what that would mean. If it is obscure, then false rape accusations don't happen often and thus shouldn't be a problem. If you meant absurd, then I would agree that false rape accusations are deplorable, but again I would say that "false rape reports" is not a tenant of feminism nor is it a likely to occur.

    • https://www.debate.org/debates/Feminism/5/