In this case, the design, such as graphics, of a video...

    Video games are art

    An art piece is a creative work created to be appreciated for its beauty or emotional power (1). While it is possible for a video game to be art, the majority of video games do not fit this criterion. My opponent has stated that many video games use graphics and modelling to create beauty. In this case, however, it is important to distinguish between design and art; art is to be appreciated for its beauty, while design is intended to facilitate something else. In this case, the design, such as graphics, of a video game is not primarily intended to be beautiful, but rather to create an environment in which the player can be entertained, making it design rather than art. Furthermore, not all video games need to use beautiful graphics; a barebones video game can consist of using coloured blocks as sprites. This is because video game graphics are intended to facilitate entertainment, and they do not need to be art in order to fulfill their purpose. It is possible to create a video game that is not art. A pong game, for instance, does not focus on graphics and beauty; its primary goal is to entertain, and its entertainment comes not because it looks good, but because it presents a challenge for the player to solve. Any computer program that entertains people by presenting a challenge is a video game, and beauty or emotional power are not necessary to presenting an entertaining challenge. As a result of the previous arguments, it is clear that video games are not necessarily art. Citations https://en.oxforddictionaries.com...