You claim that feminism encourages false rape accusations...


    You claim that feminism encourages false rape accusations and stereotyping men as bad. Um... No, that's not what feminism is at all. Feminism is the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men[1]". Now, you admit that this is something you are for, so I guess you have problems with how feminists go about this? Really, I think your entire argument stems from a complete misunderstanding of the movement. So, what is feminism? This is a difficult question because, much like religion, feminism is different for each feminist. The mission statement of the movement is equal rights between the sexes, which you agree is good. By this definition, you are a feminist. If you could indicate how you aren't a feminist, that'd be appreciated. Maybe you disagree that there is a systematic discrimination against women, the patriarchy. Is there a patriarchy? Well, as it commonly seems to be the case, I must define "the patriarchy". Basically, it means a system where men are valued over women[2]. This can be shown in the wage gap[3], rape culture[4] (though men can be victims of rape, rape culture usually targets women), and gender roles[5]. Rebuttals: What you are saying here is very dangerous. Stating that feminism promotes false rape accusations is an example of rape culture. 60% of victims report abuse, and 97% of abusers will not see jail[6]. Only 1.5-8% of rape reports are fake[7], so Puh-LEASE do not try and say that considerable amount of rape reports are fake and that we should cast doubt on those few that come forward. If we are going of the definition of feminism I stated earlier, then feminists aren't trying to put men as stereotypically bad. We are trying to make men and women equal. If you think that trying to remove the bias towards men is trying to say they are bad, then I am going to have to ask you go to timeout because that idea is downright childish. In the end there you say something about "calling the police about something ridiculous is obscure". I think you mean absurd, but if you didn't then I'm not sure what that would mean. If it is obscure, then false rape accusations don't happen often and thus shouldn't be a problem. If you meant absurd, then I would agree that false rape accusations are deplorable, but again I would say that "false rape reports" is not a tenant of feminism nor is it a likely to occur.

    • https://www.debate.org/debates/Feminism/5/