this means not the definition but what is it) the book...

    It is impossible to define art

    what ever you say, it is impossible to define art. in fact it is impossible to define mostly anything with a sentence, but this debate is about art. you can give counterexamples for what others say. (this means not the definition but what is it) the book "Philosophy Gym" has a catagory on "what is art" if you have time find the artical and read it, its about a debate between two imaginary people. this only proves my point, you cant tell what "art" is Giving art a definition like being "beautiful" doesnt mean art nessesarly means its beautiful. Tracy Emins bed photo was potrayed as art, but many people dont believe that it is beautiful. and if you take that into consideration, the martial arts are not nessessairly beautiful. although you also may say art is a form of self expression it is not nessesairly a need to be a literal form of self expression, random blots of paint of a canvas can be considered art but there is no need for this expression to have come out in the form of a conscience act. to whomever accepts this, please try to give art a simple "definition" like what i have shown you. because a counter example can be given to what ever you say.