There is nothing wrong with sex-role differentiation. ......

    Feminism promotes an unnatural equality between the sexes. There is nothing wrong with sex-role dif...

    Feminism promotes an unnatural equality between the sexes. There is nothing wrong with sex-role differentiation. Men and women are biologically different, and these differences are what have led to women’s dominance of the private sphere, home life and childrearing, and men’s dominance of public life, the workplace and political authority. All of these are essential to a functional society, and the division of labour on the basis of sex is an entirely sensible principle of social order. There is a distinction between enshrining equality of pay, democratic representation and opportunity in law, and actively encouraging women to reject their traditional, and in many cases preferred, gender roles. Women are, in general, more fulfilled by motherhood than by career success.

    • https://debatewise.org/debates/2701-feminism/