Many feminists also like to say that MRAs (Men's Rights...


    Hi everyone I'm Ilan and I am not a feminist. Immediately alarm bells may be ringing in your mind that maybe this guy is a "sexist" or "a rape apologist" or anything of the such so just to clarify I am none of these things. I firmly believe that in the idea that everyone should be equal no if ands and or buts. And now you might be thinking why is this guy not a feminist then? Well, the answer to that question is that feminism does not have a monopoly on equality; if you believe in equality you are not automatically a feminist as many feminists like to state. I am in fact an egalitarian. The difference between the two is that feminism is merely about getting equality for women whereas egalitarianism is equality for absolutely everybody. The dictionary definition of egalitarian is "believing in or based on the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities." and that for feminism is "the advocacy of women's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.". Now that we have established some ground I can really start to get into why I am not a feminist. First of all, I am a man. And I am not trying to say that men cannot be feminists, be whatever the hell that you want, but as a man, I feel that I should campaign for my sex and as we have already established feminism is not about gaining equality for all but helping just Women to achieve equality. Even feminists that say that men and other groups are included in feminist issues still do not really campaign for our problems. One major issue that men face is prostate cancer. Prostate cancer kills just as many people as breast cancer does but receives merely half the funding towards research and cures. I have never in my life met a feminist that has agreed with the statement "Prostate cancer is a feminist issue" because quite frankly it is not. Many feminists also like to say that MRAs (Men's Rights Activists) are the ones that should be campaigning for male problems but if it really is for everyone then why does feminism not cover everybody's problems. Here I have merely scratched the surface of male problems that feminism does not address such as the fact that 4 times more men commit suicide than women or that 70% of homeless people are estimated to be men or the significantly less jail time for female rapists than men. I could go on but I want to hear what everyone else has to say about this! I thank you for hearing out what I had to say if you made it this far and hope you all have a wonderful day. Ilan

    • https://www.debate.org/debates/Feminism/26/