Graffiti is usually letters put together. ... This is why...

    Graffiti is art

    Hi. I think that graffiti is not art. I think that if you want to do art, you should do it so it looks nice. Graffiti on walls or doors or trucks or wherever is not art. You are kind of ruining the thing if you draw graffiti. Graffiti is usually letters put together. Im trying to say that art is something that makes you feel good inside. In my point of view, graffiti makes you feel scared. Like, if I see many graffiti drawings on the streets, I think that I am in a dangerous place and should get out of there. Art, on the other hand, makes you feel like you should admire the work and stay. I guess graffiti makes places look... gangster like. This is why I think graffiti is not art.

    • https://www.debate.org/debates/Graffiti-is-art/4/