They DONT want art on their property. ... Why would you...

    Graffiti is art

    I. It is humiliation because its their property, and its their opinion on how they want the place to look. If they want it to look "artistic" they would do it or have someone do it. But they dont want "art" on their property. Therefore, it is humiliation. II. Ok if you ask me, I think that ruining from neighborhoods to blocks, to every single property they dont own is worse than killing thousands and saving millions to make the world a better place. III. In your opinion, destruction is art. But in the opinion who has "art" on their property, its destruction. They DONT want art on their property. Therefore, it is not art, its destructing someone's land. IV. Yes but I am saying that horror movies do make some people feel good because they enjoy getting scared. V. You can consider it art, but some people wont consider it art. Like I said before, they would consider it... a not-good thing. " Los Angeles Times supplies this bit of legal advice from former LAPD Chief William J. Bratton: "If you want to be an artist, buy a canvas." It also offers upbeat spin from Jeffrey Deitch: "We want to put out an inspirational message: If you harness your talent you can be in a museum someday, make a contribution and a living from it."" People wont consider it art if you do it on their property. VI. Going against the law is not something good. Im saying that graffiti shouldn't be considered art because if you do it on someone else's property, its jts just plain ILLEGAL. Its not courageous thing to risk yourself in jail for graffiti. And people wont consider it art if its on their property. If you really want to be so artistic, just do graffiti on a canvas or your own property. No one told you you cant have graffiti on a canvas. Tell me who did? Why would you ruin someone else's property for your entertainment?

    • https://www.debate.org/debates/Graffiti-is-art/4/