Buyers of art chose this art because they think it means...

    Modern Art

    Once again, I never said that having a message makes it necessarily good. http://painting.about.com... This is evidence on how to judge ppaintings. http://www.urbandictionary.com... These "line drawings" are abstract art. This type of art has its own purpose in the different ways of art. Buyers of art chose this art because they think it means something very important to them. I repeat myself, I never said that songs aren't only judged by their message, and I never said that messages aren't the only other thing, but to the art you point at, abstract art, these are special because of there unique differential views. You constantly drop the arguement that the art is absract. So, you are making flawed conclusions to these drawings. I state once more that art can be seen to everyone differently. So, just becasue you see it bad, it doesn't mean that the art is now pointless. I have attacked the Pro's weak case with evidence.

    • https://www.debate.org/debates/Modern-Art/1/